
Terminology - Learn The New Workday Language





Icons on Workday homepage that provide access to groups of related tasks; used to organize tasks and reports by functional areas

Links to functions within Workday, similar to the Launchpad in Access

Business Process (BP)

A set of tasks that need to be completed for an event to occur, the order in which they must be done, and who must do them

The actual approval process and queues in systems such as Workflow and Banner for tasks like EPAFs, Requisitions, and Budget Adjustments


An individual applying for a posted position

Applicants who currently apply through HireTouch will go through Workday as candidates


Commitments = Purchase Requisitions & Job Requisitions

Obligations = Purchase Orders & Employee Hires

Encumbrances in Banner


Refers to each company in the tenant with its own Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)

Florida Tech and its subsidiaries

Contingent Worker

A worker who is not an employee in Workday and is not paid via Workday payroll

Individuals associated with Florida Tech who will need access or to be tracked in the system but are not paid via Florida Tech payroll, such as volunteers and outside contractors (i.e. National, ROTC, visiting professor)

Cost Center

A unit within an organization to which expenses are charged, generally the level at which budgets are created and managed, and typically is used to house employee data and their associated costs

The financial organizations which are currently used in Banner for Budgets, Revenue, and Expense

Costing Allocation

Update the default funding of a person's job to a new funding source or split funding sources 



Customers can be invoiced and submit payments

Companies that Florida Tech invoices and from whom payments are received


Set of worklets/applications or reports that are pre-configured to a specific functional area, like Talent Management or Expenses

A new function that pulls together several reports or sets of information for a related set of tasks into a single location

Employee ID

Employee unique identifier

Florida Tech 900 number

Expense Report

A process to record travel and/or related expenses, including any funds due to an employee, or for other expenditures. Will replace the current Travel and Expense Report Form and process

Travel and Expense Report Form 

Pcard reconciliation from BOA Works

Foundation Data Model (FDM)

The multi-dimensional structure of Workday accounting and financial reporting. FDM includes, but is not limited to, the current Chart of Accounts

Florida Tech General Ledger and Locations

HR Partner Role

The role responsible for initiating and/or approving HR business processes as well as administrative responsibilities

Staff members in departments who are performing HR related functions, such as EPAFs in Banner, will initiate business processes in Workday

Human Capital Management (HCM)

Unifies Human Resources, Payroll, Benefits, Talent, Recruiting, Time-Tracking, etc. into one system-of-record

Human Resources records in Banner


A section for notices of completed business processes

Messages that appear in Workday that do not require any action at this time, FYI

Position Management vs Job Management

Position Management will be used by departments to create employee positions.

Job Management will be used by departments to create adjunct and student jobs.

Position Management = Employees

Job Management = Pooled positions

Revenue Category

A classification in customer contracts and billing that provides a logical grouping to search and report on items and services you sell. It can also be used to drive different accounting behavior as it is a dimension in account posting rule types used in customer contracts, billing, and accounts receivable

Specific classifications within a Revenue account

Spend Authorization

A pre-authorization for travel and/or related expenses or when expenditures need prior authorization. Will replace the current Travel Itinerary Approval Form and process

Travel Itinerary Approval Form

Spend Category

A classification in procurement and resource management that provides a logical grouping to search and report on acquired items and services. It can also be used to drive different accounting behavior, as it is a dimension in account posting rule types used in procurement and spend management

Specific classifications within an Expense account, such as water under Utilities or lodging under Travel

Supervisory Organization

Foundational, hierarchical position-to-position structure. All employees must belong to a supervisory org and each supervisory org must have a manager

Florida Tech organization chart from a Human Resources/Administrative standpoint


Companies that are used for purchases

Companies/Vendors that Florida Tech uses for purchasing and does receive invoices and submit payments to


A business process step that a user must complete

An approval step for a requisition or a budget check for a new position


Instance of Workday shared by all of Florida Tech

Banner currently has 2 instances, Test and Production.  Workday will have several instances as we go through the implementation process.  Workday will have three instances once the implementation is complete, Production, Sandbox (Test), and Sandbox Preview (Test for Upgrades).


Keywords assigned to transactions which are used to classify transactions for financial, operational, and external reporting

Attributes that are tied to records in Banner, such as the FOAPAL, which can be used for defaulting information or reporting